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Goals :

1. Have it be a proper looking Website
- Have a linked .css file which works and that i understand.
- Javascript, maybe(lightmode to darkmode)

2. A portfolio
About Me, Work experince, Education and Skills. From https://aryankap.com

3. Socials
- Githubs

About Me

I'm Sp06 and I'm a moroccan 16 year old (as of the 6th of Jan.) in my first year of highschool.I like learning about coding, making websites and any engineering subject. Such as cars, motorcycles, Formula whatever(all of 'em) and airplanes.

The langauages I know include french, darija, a bit of spanish and of course english. Computer language wise, I know basic html and css, not a lot of javascript, enough python to excel in class and make a basic game (from following a tutorial).

This website's true goal is to better my understanding of websites, have a playground to learn javascript, have a storefront for my future projects.

I was pushed to this by the amazing people over at hackclub.com, more specifically the highseas event.

My Blog

Here's the link to my blog.

Web Synth

This is a simple copy/paste from one of hackclubs workshops.

Open in a new tab/window for the full spectrum of colors and sound !

Made by @polytroper.